
Dato: 20 05 22 11:30 - 12:30
Den månedlige klimademonstrasjonen utenfor rådhuset! Vi møtes i lunsjtider, da det forhåpentligvis gjør det lettest for folk flest å møte.
Kom for å vise at verdens ledere, Norges ledere og ikke minst Tromsøs ledere at de må gjøre grep og få utslippstallene ned nå.
Kom for å vise at verdens ledere, Norges ledere og ikke minst Tromsøs ledere at de må gjøre grep og få utslippstallene ned nå.
"Klimahandling ikke ord og lovnader".
Ikke om ei uke, ikke om et år, ikke om ti år, men allerede neste dag. Det er krise!

Ser fram til å stå der sammen med deg igjen.
The monthly climate demonstration outside of the town hall. We meet at lunch time, hopefully that makes it easiest for the most of you.
Join the demonstration to show the worlds leaders, Norways leaders and of course Tromsøs leaders that they have to take action now and get the CO2-emittions down now.
Join the demonstration to show the worlds leaders, Norways leaders and of course Tromsøs leaders that they have to take action now and get the CO2-emittions down now.
"Climate action now, not any more nice words and promises".
Not in week, not in a year, not in ten year, but already the next day. There is a crisis.
There will be speeches and shoutouts. Bring your poster and banner, and speak up if you want to say some word for everyone.
Looking forward to stay there together with you again!
There will be speeches and shoutouts. Bring your poster and banner, and speak up if you want to say some word for everyone.
Looking forward to stay there together with you again!
- 20 05 22 11:30 - 12:30